In addition to a range of biodiversity measures that have been implemented, virtually all of the water used at Pinecliff is captured and re-used through a complex natural treatment system.
All the water from the worm farm, sewage, equine pool and reclaimed effluent is pumped to the upper wetlands. The upper wetlands are a series of heavily vegetated terraces that use plant density and diversity to suck up high levels of nutrients; this allows Pinecliff to put class C water in at one end and 72 hours later have class A water at the other end. This elevated dam system and wetlands has no natural catchment and shows that such a system can be put in place without reliance on the topography of the property. Because of the bird life supported by the wetlands, the water is also polished through a UV filtration system to eliminate the risk of E.coli as it is recycled for irrigation.
Storm water is captured in a dam and 5 underground concrete retention tanks. The seven megalitre dam that is located at the lower end of the property closer to the sea also has the ability to circulate water from that dam through another specially developed adjacent wetland to improve water quality.
The upper wetlands are juxtaposed against the largest dry stone wall in the Southern Hemisphere. The wall is an architectural statement with its massive scale and organic curved form but is sympathetic to the rugged coastal setting. However, the wall also provides a practical function in providing both a retaining wall and a protective buffer to the wetland area from, what can be savage, sea winds.